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2020. 5


21st NA

  • Changed the Legislative Information Systems Office of the Planning and Coordination Office to the Digital Services Division, and established the Digital Policy Division
  • Established the Guided Tour and Exhibition Division under the Culture and Communication Office

2016. 5

~ 2020. 5

20th NA

  • Changed the Legislative Request and Petition Center to the National Assembly Petitions Support Center
  • Established the Parliamentary Education Support Division Goseong branch
  • Separated the press support functions of the Public Relations Office and established the Public Relations Office
  • Changed the title of Public Relations Officer to Culture and Communication Officer

2012. 5

~ 2016. 5

19th NA

  • Established the post of Deputy Director General of Legislative Information Systems.
  • Expanded the Bills Division by subdividing it into three offices on political, economic and social affairs.
  • Established the post of Parliamentary Education Officer under the Education and Training Division.

2008. 5

~ 2012. 5

18th NA

  • Reorganized standing committees in accordance with the reshuffle in the administration.
  • Established the Legislative Request and Petition Center, and the Personnel Division.
  • Renamed Public Information Officer as Public Relations Officer.
  • Merged the Accounting Division and the General Affairs Division under the Management and Maintenance Bureau into the Management Support Division.
  • Moved the National Assembly Archives to the National Assembly Library.

2004. 5

~ 2008. 5

17th NA

  • Changed the Women’s Affairs Committee to the Gender Equality and Family Committee.
  • Renamed Broadcasting Technology Officer of the Broadcasting Planning Counseling Office as Broadcast Relay Officer.
  • Changed the Parliamentary Legislation Division and the Economic Legislation Division under the Legislative Counsel Office to the Legislative Mediation Division and the Financial Legislation Division respectively, and established the Construction and Environmental Legislation Division.
  • Subdivided the Management and Construction Division under the Management and Maintenance Bureau into the Management Division and Facilities Division.
  • Subdivided the International Affairs & Protocol Bureau into the Protocol Division, the Asia Division, the Americas Division and the Europe Division.
  • Changed the Training Affairs Bureau to the Parliamentary Training Office.
  • Established the National Assembly Research Service.

2000. 5

~ 2004. 5

16th NA

  • Established the Women’s Affairs Committee.
  • Expanded the Legislative Counsel Office by adding two new divisions to the Legislation Divisions I, II, III. Closed the Budget Bureau.
  • Established the National Assembly Budget Office.
  • Renamed Parliamentary Broadcasting Officer as Broadcasting Planning Counseling Officer.

1996. 5

~ 2000. 5

15th NA

  • Divided the Legislation and Budget Office into the Legislative Counsel Office (with the Legislation Divisions I, II, III) and the Budget Bureau (with the Budget Divisions I, II, III)
  • Closed the Parliamentary Training Office and established the Training Bureau (with the Educational Affairs Division and the Training Division) under the Secretariat.
  • Closed the Public Information Bureau and the Records Compilation Bureau. Opened the National Assembly Archives.

1992. 5

~ 1996. 5

14th NA

  • Established the Legislation and Budget Office (with the Legislation Divisions I, II, the Budget Divisions I, II, and the Legislative Complaint Division).
  • Reformed the Public Information Office to the Public Information Bureau.
  • Merged the Committee Affairs Division into the Proceedings Division.
  • Established the Computing Systems Office under the Planning and Coordination Office Established the Parliamentary Training Office in accordance with the Parliamentary Training Office Act.

1988. 5

~ 1992. 5

13th NA

  • Separated the Library from the Secretariat in accordance with the National Assembly Library Act.
  • Established the Public Information Office.

1985. 4

~ 1988. 5

12th NA

  • Annexed the National Assembly Library to the National Assembly Secretariat.
  • Established the post of Deputy Secretary General of Legislative Affairs and under its jurisdiction, the Proceedings Bureau, the Legislative Research Bureau and the Records Compilation bureau.
  • Established the post of Deputy Secretary General for Administrative Affairs and under its jurisdiction, the Planning & Budget Office and the Liaison Bureau.

1981. 4

~ 1985. 4

11th NA

  • Established the Planning, Budget & Audit Office (with the Inspection Officer, the Planning & Budget Officer and the Education Officer).
  • Reshuffled the Liaison Division and the International Affairs Division into the Inter-Parliamentary Relations Division and the Inter-Parliamentary Organizations Division.

1973. 3

~ 1980. 10

8th, 9th, 10th NA

  • Closed the General Affairs Bureau and the Construction Bureau.
  • Merged the Committee Affairs Bureau into the Proceedings Bureau to form four divisions: the Proceedings Division, the Bills Division, the Stenography Division and the Documents Compilation Division.
  • Established the Management and Maintenance Bureau (with the Management and Construction Division, the Accounting Division and the Security Division).
  • Established the Protocol Division under the Liaison Bureau.
  • Established the Training Affairs Center.

1967. 7

~ 1971. 6

7th NA

  • Established the Construction Bureau (with the Planning and Materials Division, the Construction Division and the Facilities Division).


~ 1967.6

6th NA

  • Established the Liaison Office (with the Protocol and Public Information Division, and the International Affairs Division).

1960. 5

~ 1961. 5

5th NA

  • Established the General Affairs Bureau, the Proceedings Bureau and the Legislative Research Bureau in the Upper House.

1958. 5

~ 1960. 7

4th NA

  • Established the Division for National Assembly Building Construction under the General Affairs Bureau.

1954. 5

~ 1958. 5

3rd NA

  • Promoted the reading room to the National Assembly Library.
  • Established the Legislative Research Division under the Legislative Research Bureau.

1950. 5

~ 1954. 5

2nd NA

  • Opened a reading room.

1948. 5

~ 1950. 5

Constituent Assembly

  • Organized the Secretariat with seven divisions and one office in three bureaus: the General Affairs Bureau (the General Affairs division, the Welfare Division, the Financial Affairs Division), the Proceedings Bureau (the Proceedings Division, the Stenography Division, the Security Division), and the Legislative Research Bureau (the Committee Affairs Division, the Office of Committee Staff Directors).