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Deputy Secretary-Generals

Jin Sun hee

Deputy Secretary-General
for Legislative Affairs

Jin Sun hee Deputy Secretary-General for Legislative Affairs

Academic Background

  • 2008 LL.M. UC Davis School of Law
  • 1994 B.A. in Law, Ewha Womans University
  • 1989 Youngbok Girls’ High School


  • 2024. 7. ~ (Present) Deputy Secretary-General for Legislative Affairs, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2022 ~ 2024 Chief of Staff, Health and Welfare Committee, National Assembly
  • 2022 Chief of Staff, Special Committee, National Assembly
  • 2020 ~ 2022 Deputy Chief of Staff, Legislation and Judiciary Committee, National Assembly
  • 2018 ~ 2020 Minister of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Austria
  • 2017 Deputy Director-General for Administrative Legislation, Legislative Counsel Office, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2016 ~ 2017 Deputy Director-General for Economic Legislation, Legislative Counsel Office, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2013 ~ 2014 Director of the Management Division, Management and Maintenance Bureau, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2013 Legislative Research Officer, Strategy and Finance Committee, National Assembly
  • 2010 ~ 2013 Legislative Research Officer, Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee, National Assembly
  • 2005 ~ 2006 Legislative Research Officer, Gender Equality and Family Committee, National Assembly
  • 2002 ~ 2005 Legislative Research Officer, Education Committee, National Assembly
  • 1999 ~ 2002 Legislative Research Officer, Legislation and Judiciary Committee, National Assembly
  • 1996 ~ 1999 Legislative Research Officer, Legislation I Division, Legislative Counsel Office, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 1996 Appointed as fifth-grade civil servant (Passed the 14th Legislative Service Examination)
Park Tae hyung

Deputy Secretary-General
for Administrative Affairs

Park Tae hyung Deputy Secretary-General for Administrative Affairs

Academic Background

  • 2008 M.P.A. Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University
  • 1997 M.P.A. Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University
  • 1994 B.A. College of Business Administration, Seoul National University
  • 1989 Hanil High School, Jeonju


  • 2024. 7. ~ (Present) Deputy Secretary-General for Administrative Affairs, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2022 ~ 2024 Chief of Staff, House Steering Committee, National Assembly
  • 2022 Chief of Staff, Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans and Fisheries Committee, National Assembly
  • 2020 ~ 2021 Director General, Proceedings Bureau, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2019 Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategy and Finance Committee, National Assembly
  • 2018 ~ 2019 Director General of the Planning and Management Office, National Assembly Research Service
  • 2016 ~ 2017 Chief Legislative Research Officer, House Steering Committee, National Assembly
  • 2014 Director of the Legislative Request and Petition Center, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2013 ~ 2014 Director of the Proceedings Division, Proceedings Bureau, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2011 ~ 2012 Director of the Bills Division, Proceedings Bureau, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 2008 ~ 2011 Legislative Research Officer, National Policy Committee, National Assembly
  • 2002 ~ 2003 Legislative Research Officer, House Steering Committee, National Assembly
  • 2001 ~ 2002 Director, Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Division, International Affairs and Protocol Bureau, National Assembly Secretariat
  • 1996 ~ 1997 Legislative Research Officer, Budget Policy Division, Legislation and Budget Office, National Assembly Secretariat